Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas Part 2

Our family celebrated the day with my side of the family. The kids prepared a Boom Tarat Tarat dance . It was fun reminiscing when my sister and I would have our own choreographed dance with matching costume. Side A, Side B. Haha . We would even charge Nana and Lolo, Tito P, Nana Chit to watch our performances.

DH and I woke up early to prepare the Garlic Prime Rib. It took forever to roast it. We covered it with a garlic and thyme crust. It was a 10lb and was wiped out. So good. For sidings we had pesto potatoes. Mama made her Sea Bass which I wasn't able to eat. Sister T brought salad and I tossed some candied walnuts and mandarin oranges on them. Delish!
And the dessert.... The Kid and I baked the day before Carrot Cake and Butter Cupcakes. DH gifted me with a Kitchen Aid Mixer Artisan 5 Quart. Just the one I wanted 2 years ago. Hmmm making all my wishes come true. Well I digress... So I made this Cream Cheese Frosting made of 5g of Trans FAt whipped Cream, added Low Fat Cream Cheese with Sugar Free Pudding and Low Fat Milk (we are aiming to be the biggest loser here). SIL brought me The famous Mati Fruitcake which I am not sharing with anyone. Yummers. Oh and she brought some Carrot Cake as well made by her SIL. The spread was good.

And what have we learned this Christmas. God has blessed our little family a thousand fold. I always pray to God for continuous protection of DH and my 2 kids. I pray for continuous projects and success for the business, I pray so that we will be able to meet all our payables and I pray for both our families.

To my Nana and Tita Ki, Merry Christmas. We missed you this year but look forward to seeing you.
To Tita Rocio and Uncle Chito , Merry Christmas. The kids send their love to you. Let the Lord lead us to make the right decision always.
To JJ and Sharon and Alex, Merry Christmas. We are looking forward to the next one.
To Bro, SIL and kiddos, Merry Christmas. Thanks for urging me to put up this blog.
To Mama and Papi, We love you and Merrry Christmas
To Sis and FIL and kiddos. Boom Tarat Tarat!!!
To all our relos Merry Christmas.

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